Om mig

Mit billede
In December 2009 - January 2010 I went on a trip to Mali. The aim was to start up KonoKone, a coalition between female musicians from Mali and Denmark. Before going to Mali I had put together a line up of prolific, Danish indie musicians for the project. The first thing I did when I came to Mali was to make contact with some interesting - and rather untraditional - female artists in Mali. For the next 5-6 weeks I facilitated a number of long distance co-writes between the Danish and the Malian artists. When back in Denmark I handed out the recordings to the artists involved and let them take over from there. This was how it started. Since I have gone back to Mali once. In September 2010 some of the Malian musicians came to Denmark to participate in My World Images Festival together with their Danish colleagues. So far KonoKone has released one EP, "Hvorfor græder nattens fugle?" which roughly means "why are the birds of the night crying?". In January 2011 the Danish participants of konoKone are going to Mali for a month during which they will go on a tour and record new stuff with their Malian colleagues.
